Author Archives: La Pulperia

How many calories in Mike’s Harder Lemonade


Mike’s Harder Lemonade is a weet beverage for those who prefer weaker cocktails, beer, or alcohol. It stands out for its overt sweetness and potent citrus flavors. How many calories in Mike’s Harder Lemonade? Let’s take a closer look with La Pulperia at the incredible Mike’s harder lemonade nutrition facts data infographic. Mike’s Hard Lemonade […]

10+ Best Cookbooks for New Cooks and Best Recipes

cook book

We love cooking. It’s a creative outlet, an exercise in patience, and an opportunity to be with friends and family. Plus, it’s delicious. But if you’re like me and like to try new things in the kitchen (or if you just want to eat more), then I’ve got some good news: There are a ton […]